Logcat - Laughing Logger

by Laughing Muffin



Debug your apps. Find error stacktraces. See what your phone is saying about you behind your back. Its all there in the system log, aka logcat!* Color-coded tag names* Easy-to-read column display* Real-time search* Recording mode (with widget)* Save & open from SD card* Send logs as email or attachment* Auto-scrolls when at the bottom of the screen* Search autosuggestions & saved filters* Select and save parts of logs* Open-source and ad-free* Material goodnessLaughing Logger is based on MatLog (v2) which is based on: https://goo.gl/OVGSIIGitHub: https://github.com/LaughingMuffin/laughing-logger*** IMPORTANT ***Android 11+ users will find logs under /internal storage/Android/media/org.laughing.logger/Laughing Logger/saved_logs/ instead of /internal storage/Laughing Logger/saved_logs/The permission to "Read Logs" of other applications has to be given as "Superuser" (root) or via a ADB or a terminal application.ADB Command: adb shell pm grant org.laughing.logger android.permission.READ_LOGSTerminal command: pm grant org.laughing.logger android.permission.READ_LOGS